Didi's Blog

About transmedia and other pretty cool stuff


Transmedia ethics Transmedia en ethiek

I have seen it a lot lately: transmedia stories that are told as if they are real. This way, people are immersed into the story. They wonder whether or not it is true and they start the discussions. I started to think about the ethics of transmedia storytelling. Is it ethical to make people believe…

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Me, MySpace and IIkke, ikke, ikke en de rest kan stikken

I wrote this article in 2009, but the issues are still applicable. Therefore I find it worth sharing. “Attention Whore”, “Get a life”, “Just commit suicide!” On the Internet you can say it all. Who’s stopping you? People are much harder and meaner onlineĀ than they areĀ in real life. Why would you even consider the feelings…

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