Didi's Blog

About transmedia and other pretty cool stuff

The Pursuit of Happiness VR

Why storytelling and VR are a great match

As technology is evolving, so is the way we tell stories. Virtual Reality is becoming more and more accessible and storytellers are experimenting with it. Storytelling and VR might be the perfect match. Still, some people in the industry find it hard to believe that watching films on the Oculus Rift is going to be…

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Falling in love and dying at IDFA Doclab 2015

For 10 days Amsterdam is all about the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). I visited the IDFA DocLab 2015 Expo: Seamless Reality. The mission of IDFA DocLab is to “showcase interactive documentaries and other new digital artforms that succesfully push the boundaries of documentary storytelling in the age of the interface.” Sounds interesting, right? You…

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