Didi's Blog

About transmedia and other pretty cool stuff

Facebook Reactions

Like faces competition

To like or not to like? That used to be the question. It was as simple as that. Until today, when Facebook globally launched 5 new reactions. The extension of the like button has the additional options: love, haha, wow, sad and angry, “to allow people to express a deeper range of emotions.” Our digital…

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Tomorrowland sign

Tomorrow is a mystery

The media industry is always talking about creating experiences, well, I’ve had the most amazing experience last weekend at the Tomorrowland festival in Boom, Belgium. Tomorrowland is one of the biggest festivals in Europe and is known as the worlds’ best dance festival. They absolutely know how to make people excited. Their 6 million Facebook-fans…

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Feuten Season 2

Becoming a member of a fictional tv fraternity

“This is the most important point in your life. The point where you can leave your so far wretched life behind. Whoever you are and whatever you do, if you enter here you are nobody. Which does not mean that you can’t become somebody. Your goal is to make your tabula rasa a full book…

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