Didi's Blog

About transmedia and other pretty cool stuff


Public broadcasting goes transmediaDe publieke omroep gaat transmediaal

Dutch public broadcaster are not scared of trying something new. A number of innovative transmedia projects came from Hilversum. This is partly made possible by special grants from the Media Fund. Out of eighteen proposals they have selected five transmedia projects for production. One of them is Who’s in, who’s out, which will air in…

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Symposium: The way to TransmediaSymposium: The way to Transmedia

Saturday november 5th, the symposium The way to Transmedia will take place. This event is part of the Imagine Fastival and is hosted by TransLAB Rotterdam, a platform that is all about Transmedia Storytelling. Babbe Noya and I will tell something about our project called Sam and his Worldkids-Reports. A transmedia project we developed for…

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Transmedia ethics Transmedia en ethiek

I have seen it a lot lately: transmedia stories that are told as if they are real. This way, people are immersed into the story. They wonder whether or not it is true and they start the discussions. I started to think about the ethics of transmedia storytelling. Is it ethical to make people believe…

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A silver spinring for SamEen zilveren spinring voor Sam

Last night the award-show of the SpinAwards 2010/2011 was there. Babbe Noya and I are now the proud owners of a silver spinring for Best Young Talent. Another silver award was for the traffic campaign Shotgun, made by Hal Gabin and Eefje Liebrecht (Fontys Eindhoven). The golden ring was for the notorious Blur Shirt by…

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Pizza meeting brutally disruptedPizza Borrel Borrel bruut verstoord

As you may know I am currently an intern at Woedend!, a communications agency in Amsterdam. I am working on a transmedia campaign with Lydia van der Spek. In order to clarify to everyone within the company exactly what we’re doing, we could give them an ordinary presentation, but we came up with something much…

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NPOX lab 2.0 with Christopher SandbergNPOX lab 2.0 met Christopher Sandberg

Tuesday march 29th was the second edition of NPOX lab: Transmedia in Hilversum, with a few interesting speakers. Jeroen Koopman, Newbe TV Newbe TV invents, makes and sells crossmedia, transmedia and interactive formats. About this Jeroen Koopman says: Content is more important than concept. If you want to sell your format, potential buyers want to…

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And the nominees are…

Babbe Noya and I are nominated for a SpinAward Young Talent. Only nine projects are left in our category, so our project Sam and his Worldkids-Reporters has a chance to win. This week we presented our project to the judges for the second time. The SpinAwards, annually awarded since 1998, stand for creativity in interactive…

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Labeling transmedia

Sometimes a transmedia story comes out of a box, such as Coraline’s Story. But we, Lydia van der Spek and I, think it may come in handy to put the stories into boxes, so we can label them. There are various kinds of transmedia projects and some of them cannot be compared to each other…

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Collapsus, the Energy Risk Conspiracy

Submarine, 2010,  www.collapsus.com Collapsus is a project that wants to create awareness about the transition to alternative energy sources that has to be made​​ in the near future. It tells the story of 10 young adults who are affected by these changes in different ways. The energy market collapses, with blackouts, riots and difficult choices…

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