Didi's Blog

About transmedia and other pretty cool stuff


Transmedia ethics Transmedia en ethiek

I have seen it a lot lately: transmedia stories that are told as if they are real. This way, people are immersed into the story. They wonder whether or not it is true and they start the discussions. I started to think about the ethics of transmedia storytelling. Is it ethical to make people believe…

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Inspiration session with WefilmInspiratiesessie met Wefilm

Woedend! invited Bas and Roel Welling to come and talk about the inspiring movies and commercials they create. The founders of Wefilm first introduced themselves and told us what they do. The Welling-brothers were always passionate about film. As young boys they took their camera everywhere to make films together. Roel went to film school…

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NPOX lab 2.0 with Christopher SandbergNPOX lab 2.0 met Christopher Sandberg

Tuesday march 29th was the second edition of NPOX lab: Transmedia in Hilversum, with a few interesting speakers. Jeroen Koopman, Newbe TV Newbe TV invents, makes and sells crossmedia, transmedia and interactive formats. About this Jeroen Koopman says: Content is more important than concept. If you want to sell your format, potential buyers want to…

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