Didi's Blog

About transmedia and other pretty cool stuff

Feuten Season 3

Filius Septimus, the Alternate Reality Game

I’ve described the Feuten app in an earlier post, but today I would like to tell you a bit more about the Alternate Reality Game (ARG), since that was one of the most immersive parts of this project. This storyline starts on television, when freshman Jeroen Beeksma is accused of a theft he didn’t commit….

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Freshers season 3

Transmedia storytelling: Freshers app

40,000 members posted over 275,000 messages in the Freshers app, containing 90,000 vo’s! The past few months I’ve been busy working on a transmedia project for the BNN dramaseries Feuten (Translation: Freshers). And it is on! Check our case video: H.S.C. Mercurius is brought to life The series Freshers is about the ups and downs of…

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Feuten Season 2

Becoming a member of a fictional tv fraternity

“This is the most important point in your life. The point where you can leave your so far wretched life behind. Whoever you are and whatever you do, if you enter here you are nobody. Which does not mean that you can’t become somebody. Your goal is to make your tabula rasa a full book…

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