Didi's Blog

About transmedia and other pretty cool stuff

Unlock the 007 in you

How do they do it? part 1/2How do they do it? part 1/2

Yesterday a whole gang of talents, nerds, speakers and hosts traveled to Ghent for How do you do? Virtual platform invited me to this event, which is part of the Creative Media Days. It was a day full of inspiring work, and the conversations with viral guru Karel Vinck and pan-European producer Peter the Maegd I…

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5 awesome vending machines5 hippe automaten

Vending machines are what they are, right? Coin goes in, drink comes out? Not with these original marketing vending machines. I collected five of the best: 1. Coca Cola Friendship Machine No friends for sale, but you do need one to get your drink 2. Rugbeer: Tackle for beer Because pushing buttons is for pussies…

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