Didi's Blog

About transmedia and other pretty cool stuff

The Georgia Guidestones

Guidestones: an interactive thrillerGuidestones: een interactieve thriller

Intense conspiracy theories, a brutal murder and a mysterious sect. All this is part of the new interactive thriller Guidestones. It’s been a month since I stumbled upon this Canadian story and I’m liking it so far. Sandy Rai is an Indian exchange student, who came to Canada to study journalism. Working on an assignment with…

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Transmedia Teen BooksTransmedia Tienerboeken

Novels are an ancient type of storytelling and books are still very popular, even among young people. Yet you can see that the reading culture is changing. Is a book alone enough to tell a story? And what other opportunies are there? I have been looking at various innovative projects in which the books story…

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SALIGIA-7: Raise the zombie alarmSALIGIA-7: Raise the zombie alarm

Hubbub Media, Woedend! and VPRO, 2011 In the summer of 2011 strange scenes were seen at different locations in the Netherlands. Young people disappeared and zombie-like creatures wandered through the streets of Amsterdam. Lots of questions were asked, but the most important one was: Is this really the beginning of a zombie outbreak? Who knows……

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Public broadcasting goes transmediaDe publieke omroep gaat transmediaal

Dutch public broadcaster are not scared of trying something new. A number of innovative transmedia projects came from Hilversum. This is partly made possible by special grants from the Media Fund. Out of eighteen proposals they have selected five transmedia projects for production. One of them is Who’s in, who’s out, which will air in…

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Transmedia ethics Transmedia en ethiek

I have seen it a lot lately: transmedia stories that are told as if they are real. This way, people are immersed into the story. They wonder whether or not it is true and they start the discussions. I started to think about the ethics of transmedia storytelling. Is it ethical to make people believe…

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Me, MySpace and IIkke, ikke, ikke en de rest kan stikken

I wrote this article in 2009, but the issues are still applicable. Therefore I find it worth sharing. “Attention Whore”, “Get a life”, “Just commit suicide!” On the Internet you can say it all. Who’s stopping you? People are much harder and meaner online than they are in real life. Why would you even consider the feelings…

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Inspiration session with WefilmInspiratiesessie met Wefilm

Woedend! invited Bas and Roel Welling to come and talk about the inspiring movies and commercials they create. The founders of Wefilm first introduced themselves and told us what they do. The Welling-brothers were always passionate about film. As young boys they took their camera everywhere to make films together. Roel went to film school…

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Sam and his WorldKids-ReportersSam en zijn WereldKids-Reporters

On behalf of the MediaLab and Radio Netherlands Worldwide Babbe Noya and I have developed a project for (future) expat kids. Sam and his world-Reporters kids is one of the first transmedia productions in the Netherlands. The project has brought us the Silver SpinAward for Young Talent. Children who are moving abroad will face a…

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Pizza meeting brutally disruptedPizza Borrel Borrel bruut verstoord

As you may know I am currently an intern at Woedend!, a communications agency in Amsterdam. I am working on a transmedia campaign with Lydia van der Spek. In order to clarify to everyone within the company exactly what we’re doing, we could give them an ordinary presentation, but we came up with something much…

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