Didi's Blog

About transmedia and other pretty cool stuff

Thea shows her ring

Thea (12) invites you to her wedding

In Europe we have no idea how many young girls all over the world are forced into marriage. We don’t know what these girls go through. But what if the problem was closer to home? What if a girl from, say, Norway has to marry at the age of 12? Thea started a wedding-blog. “Hey!…

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Tomorrowland sign

Tomorrow is a mystery

The media industry is always talking about creating experiences, well, I’ve had the most amazing experience last weekend at the Tomorrowland festival in Boom, Belgium. Tomorrowland is one of the biggest festivals in Europe and is known as the worlds’ best dance festival. They absolutely know how to make people excited. Their 6 million Facebook-fans…

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Audience at Concert

What concerts can teach us about audience engagementWat we kunnen leren van concerten

“Everybody get down to the floor,” the bassplayer keeps playing, the rest of the band is squatting. Honestly, it makes me roll my eyes at first, ‘not again.’ But gradually the whole audience is doing what they’ve been told. I don’t want to be the only grumpy cat standing up, so I start crouching as well. It’s…

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Feuten Season 3

Filius Septimus, the Alternate Reality Game

I’ve described the Feuten app in an earlier post, but today I would like to tell you a bit more about the Alternate Reality Game (ARG), since that was one of the most immersive parts of this project. This storyline starts on television, when freshman Jeroen Beeksma is accused of a theft he didn’t commit….

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Freshers season 3

Transmedia storytelling: Freshers app

40,000 members posted over 275,000 messages in the Freshers app, containing 90,000 vo’s! The past few months I’ve been busy working on a transmedia project for the BNN dramaseries Feuten (Translation: Freshers). And it is on! Check our case video: H.S.C. Mercurius is brought to life The series Freshers is about the ups and downs of…

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Ervaar mij HKU

Experience meErvaar mij

Different people invited me to the graduation exhibition of Interactive Performance Design & Games (IPDG) of the University of Applied Arts in Utrecht. Since I know quite a few people who go to this univerity, or graduated from it, and I always find these people extremely creative, I decided that this might be an interesting field trip….

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Second screen

Screening second screenScreening second screen

It is totally hip and happening: second screen. More and more people watch television and use their devices at the same time. But how do those people use that device? And what are the opportunities for producers and advertisers? This is often misjudged. As creator of a second screen app you should really think about…

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NO by Gael Garcia Bernal

NO becomes NOW! Creative bootcampNO wordt NOW! Creative bootcamp

Chile, 1988. Years of oppression under the regime of Pinochet. The man responsible for killings, torture, disappearances and financial malpractice. Pressured by internationale politics, he scheduled a referendum. Vote SI to agree that Pinochet remains the political leader, vote NO for change. The film NO is about this age in Chilean history. Advertising talent Rene Saavedra is…

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Zaak Zappendael

The Zappendael Case, an interactive detective

During a secret dinner on Zappendael estate Tim Douwsma drops down dead. His soup turns out to be poisoned. This is the beginning of The Zappendael Case, a classic whodunit with a modern twist. Viewers can join the online search. Who killed Tim? The game is on. There were ten other zapp-presenters who attended the dinner….

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